Monday, September 26, 2005

If you see this, post a Shakespeare quote in your journal.

What, you egg! Young fry of treachery! - Macbeth

Friday, September 16, 2005

New Things that Happened To or Around Me The Past Couple of Weeks:
(oh how i love my lists)

- I gave blood for the first time. I am O+. That is very good, apparently. I am a universal donor. I donate to the universe.

- I love my Chinese discussion group. We meet at the quad and sit in the grass and talk in Chinese for an hour. It gives me yet another reason to look forward to Fridays.

- I agreed to participate in the date auction. ("Holy crap!" says that tiny voice of wisdom in my head. "Have you lost your mind?!" "Ho, ho, ho, why yes I have," I answer myself. And that is the end of the discussion. I refuse to think about it any more. Especially not about having to stand on a stage and have my friends place a monetary value on quality time spent with me... nervous laughter. It is NOT a big deal).

- Tests and papers are due... bla bla bla, no one cares, least of all me.

- I am writing a resume for the first time.

- It is absolutely beautiful weather. Oh computer, why am I looking at you? You are not the swing on the front porch. Why do I bother with you? I am leaving. And taking my poetry with me.

[Anna flounces out, list and loyal blog-readers - cough cough - completely forgotten.]

So sorry! I have sunshine to absorb!