Thursday, October 14, 2004

shi yue

Listen! the wind is rising,
and the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings,
now for October eves!
- Humbert Wolfe

it's a perfect day in gainesville. it's still warm enough for t-shirts, but it has that feel of autumn. the light is clearer, and the smell of the air has changed. i imagine that the split second before we die, we have one last burst of vivid awareness - we'll feel the electricity shivering between individual nerve cells in our bodies, and hear our own heartbeat louder than anything else. if this is true, then it makes sense why fall, the dying year, feels so alive.

i got a B and B- on my big papers and failed my chinese midterm. i failed it, i'm sure. good news is that so did the rest of the class... so i'm not the only idiot there, YES! the great news is that i just got tickets for kate and me to go home this christmas, and money has come through to pay for it, too. Praise God! so if nothing else, i can escape my abysmal grades at the end of the semestre by hopping on a plane. i hope you're all having as great a day as i am!


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